Set five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Respawn‘s sequel sees Cal Kestis, one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy, challenged to acquire new skills and grow his connection with the Force in order to stay one step ahead of the Empire’s constant pursuit.
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PS5)
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (Xbox Series X/S)
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor News
Star Wars: Jedi director Stig Asmussen has formed a new studio
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has won this year’s video game soundtrack Grammy
EA's sequel beat out Hogwarts Legacy, God of War Ragnarök and Modern Warfare II
Microsoft thought it might cost $300m to get Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Game Pass at launch
Xbox assessed a range of third-party options to fill "a huge hole” in its line-up due to Starfield’s delay
Star Wars Jedi series director Stig Asmussen is leaving Respawn
Asmussen previously said he hoped to make the Jedi series a trilogy
EA’s CEO teases ‘very exciting’ projects in development at Respawn
Andrew Wilson calls the purchase of Respawn one of the industry’s “most incredible acquisitions”
Star Wars Jedi Survivor update adds ‘solid 60 FPS’ on consoles, DLSS on PC
Respawn has released the game’s seventh patch
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be coming to PS4 and Xbox One
EA has confirmed that last-gen versions are in development
EA is seemingly hiring for a third Star Wars Jedi game
The director of the series has said he hopes to make a trilogy
Star Wars: Jedi Survivor’s new patch includes a fix for bounty hunting progression
The game's sixth update, which also includes various crash fixes, hits consoles and PC today
Star Wars: Jedi Survivor topped European game sales in April
While PlayStation 5 led monthly hardware sales